We live in a culture where we don't appreciate the elderly people. In ancient times being able to live a long time was consider a blessing and old people were a symbol of wisdom. Nowadays we don't treat with respect or even admire old people. We see growing old as something horrible were our appearance decays and our mind start to slow down and that is in part responsible for all the cosmetic surgeries, all the elderly centers or even suicides of people.
In the story we see a woman who no mattering her age is strong and accomplishes a journey which is physically hard for her. The author describes with vivid images her trip, her appearance, the town, her reactions and her dream. Her trip more than a way to get fresh air was a trip for love. Her grandson was sick, I'm not really sure if he is alive, she had to go to town into a doctor's office for her grandsons medicine. At first she even forgets what was the reason of her trip but when the nurse asks her about her grandson she remembers why she was there.
Grandparents are a blessing to us all, at least for me, I have the best grandparents in the world. A grandparents is a symbol of tenderness, warmth and love. Grandparents play a major part in the uprising of any human being, the parents teach the discipline and love of an authority which loves you no matter what but the grandparents teach you that love with tenderness, in very rare occasion they ground you and everything is telled with peace and love. For me my grandparents are angels sent from heaven and if I am who I am right now is in part because of them.
Looking at this old woman sacrificing so much for her grandson doesn't only want to make me respect her more but also admire that strenght in her that many people of my age don't even have.