Friday, February 20, 2009

Reaction: "Columbus in Chains" by: Jamaica Kincaid

It was a really funny story, I laughed a lot. The main character Annie is a really rebellious girl that has a lot of anger inside of her. The awkward thing is that she has anger for something that was part of her history and she was not even born when the slavery on the island was legal. She is carrying strong feelings toward different persons that are not even alive, for example Christopher Columbus. I'm not saying that she hasn't have a right to get angry towards all the horrible stuff that her ancestors had to overcome but please get over it !!!!! The main danger of she carrying all those strong feelings is towards herself, she will always feel part of that tragedy in a way.

It's not her fault that she is that way she was thought to be that way. She is really similar to her mother. Her mother still has not forgive her dad for being strong and even abusive to her, and that deficiency of forgiveness and moving on has being passes to Annie.

In my blood there's Spanish, Indian and African heritage. And I think that when the Spanish colonized the island it wasn't on the greatest way, but I'm not going to be mad at them for something that passed ages ago and for the good or the bad it happened and I cant do anything about it. I'm proud of my heritage and my blood and what I can do is live my life not because of my past but for the outcome of my future.

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